Part of the problem is that new technologies have entered our lives so rapidly that we haven't yet developed the appropriate psychological mechanisms needed to cope with them.That means that many of the assumptions we make when dealing with computers are actually based on our childhood experiences with physical objects such as books.Route learners remember the specific instructions needed to get from A to B, recalling whether to turn left or right, which waymarks to look out for and so on.This can be very efficient, but if you stray from the path then you can be in real trouble, as anyone who has tried to follow a garbled set of directions from the pub to a party will tell you.The alternative is to build maps in your head, constructing an internal model of the space on which you then "draw" the route, making links between the instructions you have been given and a larger representation.
Name & Topic: Laura Peña Surgery Plastic and Aesthetic
1-Did you use any resources? Yes, I used power point. 2-Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes, the resources relevant, attractive and also striking
Body language and eye contact
3-Did you look at your audience most of time? Not much, I watched Power Point 4-Did you read from your notes? Yes, because I was very nervous and I forgot parts of the text 5- Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? I was too nervous to do it, but I didn’t do gestures but I held the attention with the photos.
6- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes, at first I explained what is. The difference and when my audience knew about the surgery I showed the results. 7- Did you use discourse markers to make your idea more clear? Yes, I did
8- Did you introduce interesting, New information to your audience? Yes 9- Did you look up information/ facts/ideas in the Internet, books..? Yes, everything, because at first I didn’t know anything about the surgery. 10- Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? I explained all I could and got of the topic, but I didn’t give detail because it’s a difficult topic
11- Did you use check your grammar? Yes 12- Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? Yes 13- Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, I used: and, but and also... 14- Did you use fillers? Yes, I used: above, well, for example…
Pronunciation & Intonation
15-Did you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes, I knew. Yes some of them.
16- Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? I didn’t use the same tone of voice, my tone of voice down when I was unsure. With breaks and interruptions
You are the teacher! What mark did you get? If I had been a teacher, I would get a 6 or more, I don’t know, I was very nervous, I didn’t know how I did.
2- Now it’s time to improve for next presentation. Write down a LITERAL TRANSCRIPTION of your presentation
Well, I’m going to speak about plastic surgery and , I will explain a little bit like what the people do and the result. This is not a personal topic, but I like this topic because I like medicine and things about it. What is plastic surgery? Plastic Surgery is a surgical specialty that deals with the correction of any body part. What is the difference between plastic and static? Plastic Surgery restores or improves function and appearance when you have accidents, burns or diseases and tumors of the skin and support tissues and congenital anomalies. However the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery deals with generally healthy patients and aims at correcting abnormalitiesThis affects the emotional stability by improving the quality of life through professional relationships, emotional, and so on. Why do people do it? The decision to have an operation of Aesthetic Surgery is very individual, there are a lot of influencing factors, but one of the most important is society, to have a young and dynamic appearance. The appearance is one of the things that people give importance to.It is also fashion and beauty. These reasons have a negative influence on the person so they drive people to do it. Before the surgery they see your clinical record, they do a study of what they can do photos, analysis, x-rays. And also information about the economy of the person. Are there risks? As in all operations there are risks and complications and there are also sometimes sequel. There are two different kinds of risks: -Health risks; include those resulting from the operation, complications and sequel as motivated by the anaesthesia.-Aesthetic risk; the quality of the result and the dissatisfaction that could cause a poor outcome.-And when the patient dies. Result: There are three different results; good result, intermediate result and bad result. - In this photo you can see a woman who had WRINKLES after the woman had an operation and now she looks younger. - This is a woman who had a good change. - This woman has had a significant change, I think - This girl has had a nose and bags under the eyes operation, also is a good change. - This woman has had a significant change. - This is a photo that BREAST REDUCTION Look at this photo! In here you can see two wemen, they are addicted to the operations, you can see the result. It’s incredible. Remember when we watched thirteen; Evie’s mother was addicted to these kinds of operations. àNow you can see a statistic about the surgery. There are more people that don’t like the surgery than the people that do. Well, that’s end of my oral presentation, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for the attention Have you got any questions?
Check your Language and Structure. Can you correct your mistakes? The next oral presentation is in pairs and I think that it’s better because you have more security and support. I think that this is the first oral presentation and speaking in front of the people is impressive and even more when it is not your language. In the next oral presentation I would like to look more at my audience, and not be nervous, I'll try to be calm. Also I'll try to make my oral presentation longer than the first, and if I can make it interesting and better, now I know how to do the oral presentation and what how you feel when staying in there. I think that in my oral presentation I invented a lot of words… but that was because of the nervousness.
One in three of us will be diagnosed with cancer during our life.The disease tends to affect older people,but can strike at any time. Excluding certain skin cancers, there were more than 270,000 new cases of the disease in 2001,and the rate is increasing by about 1% a year.Some cancer, such as breast, are becoming more common, while new cases of lung cancer fall away due to the drop in the number of smokers. However, while the overall number of new cancers is not falling, the good news is that successful treatment rates for many of the most common types are improving rapidly.
strike: Vaga increasing: Cada vegada més disease: Malaltia due: Degut
In my opinion Tracy's life is harder than Adrian's life. Adrian is a child; he’s a hypochondriac and he believes that everything happens to him. The problems of Adrian are the same as other teenagers maybe also Tracy’s life but there are more different problems, Tracy consumes drugs, she’s anorexic and she cuts herself. She wants to be the most popular and go out with the popular girls and be cool. She has some true friends but then left with Evie, she’s a bad influence for Tracy. She spends her money and also steals to buy clothes, she does for surprise the other people or we can say just the boys. Yes, I think increasingly that the problem is Evie, she’s cool, a rebel, goes out with boys and Tracy wants to be like her and also is a liar. She is a manipulative person! Also buys Tracy’s mother and Evie goes to live with the family; it will be a big problem for them. If Evie didn't appear Tracy wouldn't be like now. But the mother also has a little blame and the ambience that is created in her home. We can say that the mother isn’t well educated, she had an addiction, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t educate well as at the beginning was a good girl the problem of the mother is that when Tracy wants to speak with her mother, she always says then .She has a problem with herself, she is very influenced. She hasn’t got a personality. She is a fashion victim, because she always goes shopping and she cares, and cares for her appearance I know many people in Adrian's life but in Tracy's life it’s different ; I don’t know anyone who has passed. Maybe similar experiences or separate topics for example drugs, eating disorders, addictions, adolescent relationship with parents, popularity. If you’re not that way, you’re nothing. I disagree with the sentences, you may if you aren’t like that, people pass you popular. But you are better if these so? What do you get? I don’t believe.. Make some fake friends, who blame them for being cool, have problems at school, family and especially with yourself. And after the actions come the consequences. You have to do a thing that you don’t want to do or you don’t like just for good fall to a group of popular people. I don’t understand, you are in one way if the people don’t like well don’t go with you, someone will fall, often it’s a mistake to do. But for Tracy it’s the most important thing. About the beauty is truth, I don’t know the sense, but I can say that beauty is in the interior, which is valued by a person as he is, not by his physical appearance. I think that the film is shocking, she is a girl of thirteen years old, I think she is very young for these things. The most shocking for me is the end when Evie tells her mother and says that the Tracy is to blame, this is a false friend. I liked this film, also recommend it from this age, because maybe some people are living with the same problem, and you see that there are people who have problems bigger than yours
Hi! I'm Laura Peña and I am 15 years old.You remember me because the last year , the firts three week I stayed in 4A but after changed in 4B.I like speak but when I'm in front of the many people I'm shy also when it's the first time that I speak with them.This summer I didn't work, because I don't have the age but on July I wanted to do a course about the children but the man who works in a town hall said that I went to work to the summer school.I have an experience, and the children always were making me have a smile. One week before that I started to work I was ill and I stayed a week in a bed. When August started I still was going to the summer school, but I finished to work because I was ill again, and I have been ill during the month and a little of September.
My name is Laura Peña, I'm sixteen and I live in Castelló d'Empúries with my parents and my brother. I like listening to music and going out with my friends!I'm going to use this portfolio/blog as a notebook where I'll post work that I done in aula d'idomas. I hope to improve my English.