jueves, 4 de junio de 2009
Final evaluation
I think that the best activity that I have improved is the oral presentation and the writing but I believe that it’s still missing a lot. The best activity is the podcast because you can pronounce a lot of new words and also when you record the dialogue it’s a lot of fun. Also, I have learned to do letters, opinion essays... the structure and the forms to write. If we have exams it’s better to review the grammar and it’s very useful. I think that we need more days in class to revise the grammar and we need a workbook like other days.
I believe that the activity that isnot useful is Europass but I don’t consider that it’s an activity. Well, I think that doing a piece of news is useful but not useful, I don’t know, but for me, I learn little, new words and nothing else. With the pieces of news I can choose the topic that I have to summarize but only a few pieces of news are interesting. I think that the most interesting magazine that has good topics are 'Think in English', they are easy to understand.
The activity that I enjoy the most, where I don’t need to think, is watching a film- it’s the most entertaining thing that I do and with the subtitles, if you choose a good and easy film you can learn a lot of things. It’s not necessary to watch a film every day, if it’s necessary and I would like to do it again next year.
viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009
Opinion essay

In my opinion people don’t know how to respect our world and I don’t think that they have almost learnt to either.
I think that most people haven’t learnt to respect the world people are like they are. I mean that, if you are, for example selfish you‘re selfish all your life and for the time that you live nothing will change. For example if I recycle and I make things for the environment what can gain? Nothing, only my principles . I can be the cleanest in the world and the person that most respects the environment, but if I do it perfect, but I won’t gain anything, everybody needs to do it!
Actually the level of the contamination effect the air pollution and for this reason global warming is worse. In general contamination is caused by cars, electrical appliances on standby and littering and it’s our fault. Consequently the ozone layer is reducing.
In conclusion I believe the majority of people will never learn to respect the environment. We have to face the consequences.
domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009
Corpse Bride

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009
Far from the madding crown

The book is a novel- edition 1895, published 1874. Gabriel Oak is a shepherd and he’s 28 years old. He saves money to rent a small farm for some sheep. One day Batsheba Everdence appears in the life of Gabriel and Gabriel falls in love with her. Batsheba is a very proud girl and also says no to answer. She arrives to live with her aunt, the days pass and Gabriel asks her to marry him but she says NO, she values her independence and the other not much. Gabriel accepts the answer and he can’t do it anything.
A few months later, she moves to Weatherbury, a village some miles off. When Gabriel and Batsheba meet again, things are very different. A new men causes Gabriel to be ruined. He wanted a new job and they find a job in the town of Casterbridge. When he arrives, he know that the town is next to Weatherbury, the town of Batsheba. In the town was a big fire and Gabriel helps and controls the situation and everybody was thanks him for it. At the moment Gabriel asked if they need a shepherd. And Batsheba, now a rich woman, accepts Gabriel to work for her.
Batsheba now has another admirer, William Boldwood. She sends a Valentine letter to William in the letter it said : Marry me. Willam didn’t know that it’s a joke, and he was obsessed with her and proposed to marry her. As normal, she said No.
The sheep start to swell up and then she discovers that the only person that can heal. She comes to him to ask for help.
Frank Troy returns to the town and marrys Batsheba but a little later she discovesr that her new husband is a player without interest in farming. Frank was in love with Fanny before. The day of the wedding Fanny goes to the wrong church. Frank was angry with Fanny. Batsheba discovers that William had a child with Fanny. Batsheba and Frank split up. Then Batsheba falls in love with Gabriel and they marry.
Is there a mystery sentence or a turning point in the story?
Yes, one mystery of the novel was when Fanny who was Frank’s lover appeared and they have a child and after the mum and the child die. This is a moment that I didn’t except.
When and where does the story take place?
The story happens in England. In the nineteenth century. I can know because when Fanny dies in the tomb it says the year. And the society was in this way, I said for example the character.
Who are the main characters in the story? What’s their role?
Gabriel is the main character and is a farmer, honest and he marrys Batsheba
Batsheba is a rich woman, she’s proud. She has a farmer and Gabriel works for her.
Fanny is the wife of Frank. During the story they disappear but they have importance. Frank is Batsheba and Fanny’s husband. He’s a bad men. After Batsheba splits up with hm.
William is another lover of Batsheba.
Choose one character ( main or secondary) and describe him/her
Gabriel Oak is a farmer, and he is very honest. He always tries to help. He’s 28 years old. He’s not rich, he’s poor. He falls in love very quickly. He’s a good friend, and for him it’s not important that Batsheba said no for the marriage because he is always there.
Can you identify with any character? Why?
I can’t identify with any character, because they are special and very different to me. For example I can identify with Gabriel because is honest and sincere but nothing else. I can’t identify with Batsheba because she’s very proud and always says No and I always said yes, it’s very difficult that I say No
Choose your favourite moment in the story
My favorite moment in the story is when Gabriel and Batsheba fall in love and when they meet for first time. I don’t know but I consider that is a romantic situation and at the same time complicatde.
Which new key words have you learnt to understand the story
Provide an alternative ending
Gabriel meets another woman and fall in love with her, and Batsheba is alone for some years but afterwards she meets a intelligent, beautiful and a rich man and she falsl in love, and they marry.
Would you recommend this book? Why?
Well, I think that it’s a special book, At first I thought that it’s a good book and it’s beautiful to read but later when I had read half of the book, I changed my opinion. It was a little boring and difficult to understand but if you like reading and book of love and old ways to think, then it’s a beautiful book.
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009
Did you use any resources? Yes, like the other oral presentations we’ve used a Power Point presentation with pictures and videos.
Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes. We think that the presentation was entertaining, and the video whe showed at the end of the presentation was interesting as well.
Body language and eye contact
Did you look at your audience most of the time? We looked at the audience more than other times, but we were still looking at the paper, and also at the screen.
Did you read from your notes? Not all the time.
Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? I think we did some involuntary gestures.
Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes, we tried first to introduce the topic and then develop it.
Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Not much really.
Did you introduce interesting, new information to your audience? Yes, we think the information was not boring, it was an interesting topic explained in a very simple way.
Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books...? Yes we did. We looked up information in the Internet about the topic.
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? There was a bit of everything: we developed the subject very superficially, because it's a very extensive topic, but we also introduced some interesting data.
Did you check your grammar? Yes, we did.
Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? We looked up at the dictionary very technical words that we didn’t know how to say them in English .
Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, we use a lot of times “and”, “but”, “so”, “In fact”,...
Did you use fillers? We used less fillers than other times.
Pronunciation & Intonation
Did you know how to pronounce all your words? Not all the words.
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? No
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? We changed the tone of voice a lot of times, but involuntary.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? It has been more fluent than the last time we did it.
Self evaluation
What mark did you get according to you? This oral presentation was better than the previous ones, it has been more fluent and more organized, and the pronunciation has also improved. But we still need to relate and link things. I'd put a mark of 7.
Well, in this term we've decided to talk about bullying, because we think is a social issue that exists in schools and high schools, and many times we don't realize that it exists.
Bullying is any form of psychological abuse, verbal or physical conduct among schoolchildren. The dominant type of violence is the emotional and it happens often in the classroom and school break time. Bullying is common in children between 12-13 years, and is more common in girls than in boys.
Because of the bullying, the victim generates psychological disorders. Victims live terrified with the idea of going to school. They're nervous, sad and lonely in their daily lives. In some cases, the hardness of the situation can get to suicide. Over 350 million children suffer some form of violence at school.
We can see that there are eight types of bullying:
1-Lock social
2- Harassment
3- Manipulation
4- Constraints
5- Social Exclusion
6- Intimidation
7- Assault
1. Lock social: The aggressor wants to marginalize and isolate socially the victim, so the victim feels weak, helpless and stupid.
2. Harassment: Harassment: The aggressor acts with contempt, disrespect, and without consideration of the dignity of the victims. The signals of this type of bullying are contempt, hate, the nicknames, cruelty...
3. Manipulation: It distorts the social image of the victim. All the things that the victim makes are negative.
4. Constraints: The aggressor obliges the victim to realize actions against himself. With this way the aggressor can control the victim and he can get what he wants.
5. Social exclusion: They don't want the victim to participate. Aggressors treat the victim as if he was invisible, they don’t want him to participate in their games.
6. Intimidation: The aggressor creates fear to the victim. The person feel threatened. The aggressors attack the victim in the hallways and when school finishes.
7. Assault: The aggressor hits the victim.
8. Threats: The aggressor threatened and extorted to the person and his family.
Risk factors
Profile of the aggressor:
- The aggressors not always have a mental illness or a severe personality disorder. The main problem is lack of empathy. Without empathy the aggressor can’t understand what the person suffers, is totally insensitive.
- A 70% of the aggressors blame the victim saying that he had begun the discussion, so they haven’t got remorse of what they do.
- It can also be a bad family environment: abuse, humiliation…
Profile of the victim:
- There are people that can't react
- They’re not sociable and they’re sensitive.
- They don't know how to defend themselves because they have shame, and aggressions are very harmful to them.
The school environment:
In the school where the environment is bad and the teachers don't know how to control conflicts, bullying is more frequent.
The television:
There are TV programs that show violence as a good thing, and children tend to imitate. However, experts are still debating the effects of TV.
Consequences of bullying
On the victims:
- They can suffer physical injury, fear and anxiety.
- In school performance gets worse, because they are not going to school or they have difficulties to concentrate.
- Stress causes suffering stomach pains, headaches, not eating ...
On the aggressor:
- They may have social problems; it is difficult to live with others.
- In adulthood they can have a criminal life.
- The female suicides could be reduced by 10% if the bullying disappears.
- 22% of Spanish children are exposed to suffer bullying.
- Being overweight and having a bad economic situation increases the possibility of suffer bullying.
- Bullying is a common problem in this society, destroys self-esteem and self-confidence.
Killer TVs

I think that the main problem is that children imitate the same things that they do on TV and use the violence . I believe that the problem is not to turn off the TV and stop watching TV, for example I can watch the most violent programme and I never use violence. Every day the programs have more violence and the children are more aggressive
Gooble bar: TV
Trash: rubbish

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009
Informal letter
Castelló d’Empúries
Hi Sam!
How are you? Thanks for your letter, I really liked it. I’m very glad to hear that you are going to the United States with my summer family.
I would like to explain my trip, my experience. Everything started when my parents told me that I could take a magnific trip to another country. I set off on my trip the first weekend of July, I was very excited because it was my first trip of the year and also was the first time that I caught a plane. When the plane took off I was afraid. When I arrived in the United States of America a strange family was waiting for me. They took me to their house and it was really strange. I broke down crying because I was alone in another country.
At first I was shy and the family spoke but I didn’t answer. I was very well attended by the family and I could see that their appearance was strange but they were fantastic people, they cared and always gave me the best. My parents phoned me often and they could see that I was very happy.
In the morning I was in a private high school where we could speak English, every day, after the I went to have lunch with the family. I found out that they have a lot of money and they always took me to different expensive restaurants of the city. I always visited a lot of places and every day I came across new things.
It was a fantastic trip, I want to repeat it this summer and I hope that we stay together.
Keep in touch!
Laura XXX
Formal Dialogue
- Well, let’s talk about it, come in.
- Ok. First of all, can you tell me why you are applying for this job?
- Basically for a very simple reason. I’m about to study at this moment, and I have to face my expenses alone, so I’ve thought about lookingfor a job.
- Therefore, it implies that you’re not always available.
- Well yes, but my intention was to work only weekends. I looked it up on the internet and it said that this option was possible.
- Yes, of course, but, I need to know more about you and you availability, and your experience.
- I have to say that I’ve never worked in a burger place before; I’ve worked in a supermarket and in a clothes shop during the summer holidays.
- Well, as you know, the work done in a burger place doesn’t need many skills or much specialization, but as the person responsible for the company I have to be sure that you’re responsible, mature, practical… you know. First of all, how old are you?
- I’m seventeen but I’m going to be eighteen in August
- Ok. So you’re available only the weekends, but can you work full-time or only during the mornings or afternoons?
- I ‘m ready to work all day if it’s necessary, that's no problem for me.
- Ok. Well, now I would like you to provide some personal information, so please fill out this form.
- Oh! I’m so sorry! I left my passport number behind…
- Uhmm… that’s a problem. Well, I guess you can fill in the rest. At least one contact telephone number.
- Of course.
- Ok, then we'll do the following: If I want to take you on, you'll receive a call, and then you would come back and bring your passport and a photo ID.
- Ok sir. Thank you very much for seeing me. Hope to see you again.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009
Future perfect simple and continous
We use the future perfect simple to talk about an activity that will be finished by a specific time in the future.
They‘ll have finished building the bridge by
next January.
We use the future continuous to talk about an activity that will be in progress at a specific time in the future.
This time next week I’ll be flying to Rome.
Future perfect simple: we use will + have + past participle.
I’ll have finished my homework in an hour.
Future continuous: we use will + be + the -ing form of the verb.
In an hour, I’ll be getting ready to go out.
1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the future perfect simple or the future continuous.
1 This time next week will be skiing (ski) in the French Alps.
2 Greg is taking a year off to travel. By the end of next year he will has visited (visit) seven countries.
3 ‘What will you be doing this time tomorrow?’
‘I will be taking (take) my English exam.’
4 Don’t come round at six o’clock. I will still have done (still / do) my homework.
If you want to come round at seven, you can.
I will have finished (finish) it by then.
5 Jill has accepted a job abroad. This time next
month she will be working(work) in Paris.
6 Next year, I will have lived (live) in this house for ten years.
2 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the future perfect simple or the future continuous.
What will we be doing (do)
in a hundred years’ time? According to NASA Scientists we will be travelled (travel) in outer space. By the twenty-second century man will have developed (develop) a quick way of getting to the stars, and the
first long-distance spaceships will be leaving (leave) Earth.
However, these spaceships won’t be the first to explore outer space. Other spaceships will have already voyaged (already / voyage) into
the unknown. In fact, the first unmanned ship, Pioneer 10, was launched in 1972. Pioneer 10 will be in space for thousands of years, and in 32,000 years’
time it will pass a star called Ross 248.
By the time Pioneer 10 gets there, man will have already reached (already / reach) Ross 248 and will have colonized (colonize) the planets around it. What will these humans be doing (do) when Pioneer 10 passes by? Will they remember that it was the first spaceship to venture into outer space?
3 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1 This time tomorrow I’ll be watching TV
2 By next weekend I’ll have discover a new planet.
3 In six months’ time I’ll be studying
4 By the end of this year I’ll have visited London
5 In three years’ time I’ll be studying a lot.
martes, 7 de abril de 2009
THE BEATLES - Lucy in the sky with diamonds

With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,
Towering over your head.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,
And she's gone.
Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies,
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,
That grow so incredibly high.
Newpaper taxis appear on the shore,
Waiting to take you away.
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,
And you're gone.
Lucy in the sky with diamonds,
Picture yourself on a train in a station,
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties,
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle,
The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes.
sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009
Monster homes

In the south, there are beautiful and Mega houses. People say that now they are out of scale with the neighbourhoods.. in the street can be a fourth of fifth house. The new homes sell for $700,00. The gardens are bigger than other houses ..
Uprooted= to pull a tree out of the ground
Trend: fashion
Backlash: Strong negative reaction
The science of dancing

A magazine found a woman that her subconscious linked dancing and physical symmetry
Dancing is very important for the culture. Because dancing tells much about it. Every culture has their dancing.
Scientists study the symmetry of the wrists, fingers, elbows, ankles and ears.
Not everybody dances well, and my conclusion is that we don’t have perfect genes!
Wrists: canell
Elbows: colze
Ankles: turmell
Robot Cars

Institute of Technology. As the Guardian reports, the cars would be free for anyone to use. It’s the same system that the concept
of bicycles in European cities.The power comeing from wheels unites with electric motors, the wheels make parking much easier.
Wheel: the rotating round part on a vehicle
Wrap: go around itself
domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009
American Pie 4: The wedding

Is the third film of American Pie, the four films are of comedy. Everybody laught when watc

with parts of the film

Jim wants to propose to Michelle to marry with him. Michelle gets to impression Jim with public sex while the father of Jim phones him and say that he forgot the ring and he came to give it. Michelle was under the table. When Jim get up everybody see Jim with his trousers down. The situation was embarassed . Jim propose to marry Michelle and Michelle say yes!
They begin to organize the wedding.Jim learnt to dance, and he asks Stifler, a friend, if he can teach him to dance.
Jim, Finch, Stifler and Kevin are going to look a designer for the wedding. while they are looking they come to a gay club where Stilfer challenges Bear dancing. Michelle's sister arrives, and Finch and Stifler want to seduce her, Stifler starts to te intellectual.
We can't watch more film, I hope that we can continue another day because, it's a film that you laugh a lot and you can spend the time!
lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009
Oral Presentation
The Bahamas
Did you use any resources? Yes, we’ve used a Power Point presentation with pictures, videos and music.
Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes, we think that the photos, videos and music made the presentation relevant and attractive, and so entertaining.
Body language and eye contact
Did you look at your audience most of the time? Not really. We spent too much time looking at the screen instead of the audience.
Did you read from your notes? Not all the time, but there were so much data and it’s impossible to memorize all of them.
Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? Yes, we used quite gestures, but not expressly for the audience.
Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? We tried to separate the different topics we were going to talk about.
Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Not much really.
Did you introduce interesting, new information to your audience? Yes, we think the information was not so boring, it was interesting and original.
Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books...? Of course, we did. We found information especially in the Internet, because it’s easier.
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? We think the information was more superficial, but we also included details of the festivities or food, for example.
Did you check your grammar? Yes, we did.
Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? The vocabulary wasn’t quite rich, but we found a lot of words in the dictionary, except the word “escut”, that it’s not in the dictionary.
Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, we use a lot of times “and”, “but”, “so”...
Did you use fillers? We use especially “well”, or “uhm”.
Pronunciation & Intonation
Did you know how to pronounce all your words? Not all the words, but almost all.
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? No.
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? We changed the tone of voice a lot of times, when we were not sure about what we were saying or when we changed the topics, for example.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? Well, we think there were so much breaks and interruptions.
Self evaluation
What mark did you get according to you? Well, in fact we didn’t had enough time to finish the oral presentation, and we became nervous because of it, so we could made it so much better. We wanted to show some videos and music but we couldn’t. Anyway, we could have a better preparation. The personal mark we get according to us could be a 6 more or less.
Hi,we're Laura and Anna and we're going to talk about Bahamas because we were thinking about an original country and we decided to talk about Bahamas because it's a very interesting place and so beautiful and it's like a dream holidays.
Money: dolar of Bahamas
Flag: blue, yellow and black.
Flower: The national flower is the Yellow elder.
The symbolic bird of the Bahamas is the red flamingo.
Form of government: Parliamentary monarchy
Climate: Between tropical and subtropical.
Non-official languages: Creole dialect, Greek and Chinese.
Ethnic groups: African, black, European.
National Sports: The most practiced sports are golf, diving, snorkeling and fishing.
Is an independent state located in the Antilles.It consists of an archipelago of 24 habited islands, 600 inhabited, and over 2,000 rocks and reefs.It’s located in the Atlantic Ocean, at the east of Florida (USA), north of Cuba and west of the Turks and Caicos Islands.The capital is Nassau, which is the most populous city.
Native birds:
- Barn Owl
- Great blue heron
- Green heron
- Turquoise bird
There are a lot of dangerous animals and plants in Bahamas but we’ve been able to put only some of them.
- Black widow: a black spider a red stain in the back, is fatal.
- Centipede
- Cuban tree frog
- Rajiformes and Jellyfish
- Venomous ivy
The traditional music of the Bahamas is the Goombay, which means "rhythm" in Bantu. A drum is used to create it. The first goombay drums were made from discarded barrels and rum casks, but as the decades passed these items came to be in short supply. The most famous band in Bahamas who plays this music is “The Gombay dance band”.
Jumpin'n Jammin carnival: It's between July 25 and August 2. Begins the first Monday in August at four o'clock in the morning. The activities of the carnival finish with the street party that usually lasts from six p.m. to midnight.
Goombay summer festival: It’s a festival that lasts three nights. There is Dancing, competitions, fairs, parades and costumes,...The days are dedicated to participate in beach sports and other entertainment and cultural activities.
Junkanoo: Junkanoo is the famous national festival. Everyone gets dressed and downtown Nassau sounding bells, horns, whistles and the strong rhythm of drums.
In July is the largest fishing tournament in the islands. Also in September there are tournaments of Music and Dance.There are other festivities that are not typical of there like:
- Three Kings
- Christmas day
- New year
- International worker’s day
- International women’s day
- National independence day
Food and drink:
Peas n’ Rice: pork with onions, celery, tomatoes, rice and peas. Is the national dish.
- Seafood: Is an important part of the diet in the Bahamas. The “conch” is a large type of ocean mollusc that has white flesh. The conch is delicious raw, but also fried, in soups and salads and stews.
- The rock lobster of Bahamas: is served grilled, in salads or chopped.
- Fresh fish: Is also an important part of the cuisine, The brunch is a popular boiled fish.
- Peas: pea soup with balls of beef with salt, or pea soup and ham are typical.
- Souse: is a soup with water, onions, celery, peppers and chicken, oxtail or pigs' feet.
- Kalik: it’s the official beer of the Bahamas.
Things for visit
- Acklins: Is a part of the group of islands which are near the lake basin called Marine Acklins. Coronel Hill it's a place for people that likes the tourism and quiet.
- Cat Island: This is one of the central islands of the Bahamas.
- Abaco Island: Is located in the northern islands and the Bahamas including Great Abaco and Little Abaco. There people do sailing and other tourist activities
- Eleuthera: It's one of the main tourist attractions of the Bahamas. It's at 80 km from Nassau.
- Mayaguana Is the farthest of all the islands of the Bahamas, the people practice diving there. -
-West Grand Bahama: It’s special for the construction of exclusive hotels for tourists. The most important urban centers are 8 Mile Rock, Pinder's Point, Holmes Rock and West End.
Power Point
The Bahamas
viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

I think that she's moody, but if she's angry in a few minutes she's happy with everybody. Often she's pessimistic she always thinks the worst, but partly it's best because if you have a problem that it's evident that it's bad, or if not evident doesn't matter.
I believe that Anna is responsible for things but not for everything she's lazy! When she doesn't have anything she can stay all the day in the sofa like me. I stay all day with Anna, we only separate to sleep. We do everything together, study together, laugh together, go to the high school together, go to the party together and more things.

Discussion essay
Like I said before, not every celebrity is happy with life there are many people who end up in a detox center for as a result of drugs or alcohol. One example as everybody knows is Britney Spears and we all know what happened to her!
The filming is funny and when we watch the cuts we laugh and don’t think about the hours that the actors spend in the studio, they work a lot of hours for our satisfaction! And also for the money. However vey often they don’t have work like artists sometimes they can work a lot or sometimes never draw an go hungry. The actors can make film and film for a year or more but afterwards they don’t have work, but they don’t go to the un employment because they are rich! They made a lot of money with their last film and they can spend it on new cars, buy a big house or luxury thing that we can’t do.
Some famous people do not have personal life and hey never see their family and the result is distance and then depression! Let’s not forget the paparazzi! One hand they make the famous more famous but the other hand it’s like a leech! You can’t go alone on the street.
sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009
Minister Maragall wants to change the schools calendar

I think that it is better that the minister Maragall and the Education change the calendar because we have a lot of days in the summer and after when we begin the second term, it's very long and we don't have holidays and days for parties, but this is only my opinion
Valentine's Day, or Love is in the Air

Although Valentine’s Day has become a global industry with more than 80 million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are unclear and hidden in the mists of time. Nobody knows exactly who St Valentine was, although some historians suggest he was a Roman martyred in the third century AD by a Roman Emperor. It is said that the first recorded Valentine’s card was sent by the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1415. It is believed that he sought solace from his confinement by writing love poems to his wife.
Valentine’s Day, or its equivalent, is now celebrated in many countries around the world. However, the traditions often differ from place to place. In Japan, for example, it is customary for the woman to send chocolates to the man, whilst in Korea April 14th is known as ‘Black Day’ and is when the unfortunate men who received nothing on Valentine’s Day gather to eat noodles and commiserate with each other.
Technological developments have also played their part in keeping Valentine’s Day relevant in the 21st century. Valentine’s e-cards have been all the rage in recent years. However, internet security experts urge web users to be wary as malicious hackers could use e-cards to spread viruses and spyware.Valentine’s cards can also be used for less than romantic purposes. Police in the UK city of Liverpool sent Valentine’s cards to criminals who failed to appear in court or have not paid fines. The cards contained the verse, “Roses are red, violets are blue, you’ve got a warrant, and we’d love to see you.” Who says romance is dead?
forked out
commiserate with
all the ragevery popular
malicious hackers
sábado, 14 de febrero de 2009
Mary Shelly online
Nice Ice

What started as a family-run ice cream shop in Empuriabrava has grown to become a global success.
Dino Parvese and his family came to the Costa Brava on holiday. Parvese soon spotted a gap in the market. New-built Empuriabrava had plenty of cafés and bars, but no ice-cream parlour.
His marketing plan was simple; use only fresh fruit and dairy product as a healthy foodstuff rather than confectionery. It clearly worked, for the business flourished; new outlets soon opened up in nearby Roses and Santa Margarita.
Today Gelats Dino is a multimillon-Euro business with a gleaming new factory in the centre of Empuriabrava. They now produce ice-cream without sugar or gluten and next year introducing a soya-milk version for customers who are dairy intolerant. Although ice-cream might be seen as a luxury product, sensitive to the economy. Gelats Dino has never felt the need to diversify.
And despite inroads made by more exotic flavours, the old favourites vanilla,chocolate and strawberry in that order, still account for over half of European sales.
Now, I am going to give my opinion about this news.
I think that it’s very interesting news because it’s news that influences Empuriabrava, our town .
Is there anyone who hasn’t ever eaten an ice cream?
I love dino ice cream!!
The objective of this news consists of giving information about the business and a little history about Dino’s family. But for other part I think that it’s also publicity.
In summer I went to Dino, to see other people and the machines that make ice creams, It’s very interesting and impressive and after the visit, they gave me a vanila ice cream!
martes, 3 de febrero de 2009
Well, today I want to describe a place, that I think that I can describe exactly because I spent 15 days there, and I could see the different ways of working , the food, other patients, different doctors and nurses and different rooms. It's located in Girona. It's a big place, that the people go because they are ill, you can enter emergency or as outpatient. It's a public hospital that everybody can go to. Also it's a university hospital. It's a very technologically prepared hospital which provides much material.
At the end of summer, the hospital programme visits because it was its 25th birthday, I went there with Anna and hier mother. We saw all the techologies, also the kitchen and the ambulance. .It was really interesting. There are so many people and everybody has his speciality. When I stayed in there I could see the different jobs and it was a very different, for example, the woman who cleans the hospital, the nursing assistant, the nurse and finally the doctor. The rooms aren't special, I never stayed in Girona but when I was 6 years old I stayed for 3 days in Figueres.
The first 9 days I stayed alone in an isolation room but I stayed in there for precaution, the problem wasn't that I passed something but the people passed something tome. I liked to have a room for me. I can describe the eighth floor. If you want to go up to the eight floor catch the lift!. when you exit the lift you can go on the left or right. If you go on the left you can find the ICO in there there are the people with cancer, I think that it's the new part of the hospital, only if you can see the rooms, the walls with pictures also there is a fishbowl and a small library. But if you go on the right you can find the infectious unit and internal medicine.
At first I stayed in the infectious unit, which was a corridor that the people stayed alone and in some rooms the doctors and nurse had to go with masks and gowns. The rooms have a bed, table, chairs, bathroom, small cabinet and nothing else, they were simple rooms. Next to my room was a big room for the people to go to stay in there and read, speak and relax. I spent a lot of time in there I like this room. A few days later I went to Interal Medicine which was on the same floor. In there everybody shares the room and for me it's different. But the only difference was that you sleep in the same room as the other people and the bathroom doesn't have ashower. There I stayed in two different rooms. But if I could choose a room, I would keep the first room. So I stayed in four different rooms in Hospital Trueta. If I tell the UCI, but I can't describe it because I can’t remember.
martes, 27 de enero de 2009
Big Girls don't cry

The smell of your skin lingers on me nowYour probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself instead of calamity
Peace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But Ive got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps until I'm full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
Ill be your best friend and you'll be mine
Yes you can hold my hand if u want to
Cause I want to hold yours too
Well be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But its time for me to go home
Its getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself instead of calamity
Peace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, Myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
Its time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
El olor de tu piel permanece en mi ahora,
Probablemente estas en tu vuelo de regreso a casa,
Necesito refigio para mi propia proteccion,bebe,
Para estar conmigo y no con la calamidad,
Espero que sepas,espero que sepas,
Que esto no tiene nada que ver contigo,
Es personal,
Entre mi y yo misma,
Tenemos que endurezar algunas cosas,
Y te extrañare como un niño extraña su mantita,
Pero necesito seguir adelante con mi vida,
Es tiempo de ser una niña grande ahora,
Y las niñas grandes no lloran,
No lloran,no lloran,no lloran
El sendero en el que estoy caminando,
Debo de atravesarlo sola,
Debo de dar pasitos como de un bebe hasta que haya crecido,
Los cuentos de hadas no siempre tienen un final feliz,cierto!
Y preveo que si me quedo el futuro sera muy negro.
Espero que sepas,espero que sepas,
Que esto no tiene nada que ver contigo,
Es personal,
Entre mi y yo misma,
Tenemos que endurezar algunas cosas,
Y te extrañare como un niño extraña su mantita,
Pero necesito seguir adelante con mi vida,
Es tiempo de ser una niña grande,
Y las niñas grandes no lloran
Como la compañerita de escuela en el patio,
Jugaremos naipes y juegos de cartas,
Sere tu mejor amiga y tu seras el mio,
Mi Valentin,
Si,puedes tomar mi mano si quieres,
Porque yo quiero sostener la tuya tambien,
Seremos compañeros de juegos y amantes,
Y compartiremos nuestros mundos secretos,
Pero es momento de que me valla a casa,
Se hace tarde,Oscurece aya afuera,
Necesito estar conmigo en vez de con la calamidad,
Espero que sepas,espero que sepas,
Que esto no tiene nada que ver contigo,
Es personal,
Entre mi y yo misma,
Tenemos que endurezar algunas cosas,
Y te extrañare como un niño extraña su mantita,
Pero necesito seguir adelante con mi vida,
Es tiempo de ser una niña grande,
Y las niñas grandes no lloran
No lloran,no lloran,no lloran
domingo, 25 de enero de 2009
Johnny Deep

Think in English
Johnny Deep is a rebellious pirate now. He made a film ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’, he’s back as Capitan Jack Sparrow. He’s a pirate with dreadlocks, scarves, gold teeth and a bizarre walk. He modelled the pirate on Keith Richards. Keith Richards is one of the guitarists of the rock group the Rolling Stones; he’s 65 years old.At the beginning of the film, Captain Jack is at the bottom of the sea. He’s surrounded by different sides of his personality.Some scenes in the third film were filmed underwater. Johnny Deep’s first role was in the horror film Nightmare on Elm Street in 1984.He made films for adults, he has always been a cult actor but it was Pirates of the Caribbean that made him a superstar.He wanted to make a film that his children could see.He was born in Kentucky in the USA.Now, he lives between France and California with Vanessa Paradis.
Dreadlocks: Refers to Rastafarian hairstyle
Amazed: Sorprès
Scarves: Mocador
Goal :Meta, objectiu
Trigger: Provocar
Bottom: Fons
Rounded: Rodejat
sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008
viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008
Martin Luther King, Jr & Barack Obama Extra Points

Martin Luther King, Jr.
“I have a Dream”
And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."
This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.
With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:
My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountainside, let freedom ring!
And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.
Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.
Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.
But not only that:
Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.
From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Questions for preparing Martin Luther King’s text:
1. What rights did black people have in the USA in the 1960’s? None. They didn’t have any rights in 1960.
2. What was “segregation”? Segregation was when black and white people were separated. It had happened for a long time.
3. What did states as Georgia, Mississippi or Alabama have in common in the 1960’s? Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama were racist states of America
4. Who were the “Pilgrims”? Pilgrims were the people who went to America from England to find a new country
5. What is a “spiritual”? The spiritual is a Negro song that has a deep meaning
Rise up: Resurgir/ Surgir
Hold: Aguantar
Swelter: Molt calent
Heat: Calor
Rough: Rugós
Crooked: Doblegat
Straight: Recte
Flesh: Carn(humana)
Despair: Desesperació
Hope: Esperança
More Vocabulary
Slaves: Esclaus
Oppression: Opressió
Made low: Qualitat de vida
Hill: Turó
Hew out: foradar
Faith: Fe
Jangling discords: Desafinat
Struggle: Esforç
Heightening: Crèixer
Barack Obama
President elect victory Speech (“Change has come to America”)
delivered 4th November 2008, Chicago
This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for one thing – Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.
She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons – because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.
And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America – the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can.
At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can.
When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.
When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can.
She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes we can.
A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in America, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how America can change. Yes we can.
America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves – if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made?
This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time – to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth – that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:
Yes We Can. Thank you, God bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.
Questions for preparing Barack Obama’s text:
1. When did women get the right to vote in the United States? (par. 2) The first woman was registered in 1920 in Missouri
2. What was the “New Deal”? (par. 5) The New Deal was the name the Unit States President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a series of economic programme he initiated between 1933-1936 with the goal of giving work to the unemployed of business and financial practices and recovery of the economy during The Great Depression. The first new deal of 1933 was aimed at short-team recovery programs of all groups.
3. Paragraph 6 refers to “the bombs” falling on “our harbor”. Which bombs and which harbor is B. Obama referring to? (par. 6) The Japanese bombs in Pearl Harbour during the Second World War.
4. What was the “Montgomery bus boycott”? (par. 7) The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a political and social protest campaign started in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, intended to oppose the city’s policy of radical segregation on its public transmit system
5. To know who the “preacher from Atlanta” was, check
The preacher form Atlanta was Martin Luther King, Jr
6. When did the Berlin wall fall down? The Berlin wall fell down in 1989
7. What happened in the Edmund Pettus Bridge, outside Selma, in 1965?
They were the culmination of the voting rights movement in Selma, Alabama. Boynton her husband brought many prominent leaders of the American Civil Rights Movement to Selma, including Dr, Martin Luther King, James Bevel and Hosea Williams. Bloody Sunday occurred on March 7,1965, when 600 civil rights marchers were attacked by state and local police.
8. To understand the reference to the Birmingham hoses, check:
Birmingham hoses were the anti-segregation demonstrators lie on the sidewalk to protect themselves from firemen with high pressure water hoses.
Vocabulary to look up:
Ballot: vot
Cast a ballot: votar
Slavery: Esclavitud
Creed: Credo
Despair: Desesperació
Conquer: Conquerir
Witness: Testificar/Testimoni/ Presenciar
Preacher: Predicador
Sum up: En conclusió
More Vocabulary:
Heartache: Mal de cor
Throughout: Durant
Tyranny: Tirania
Threatened: Amenaçar
Chance: oportunitat